Friday, August 8, 2008


Pakistan teeters on the brink of impeechment and possible revolution; Russia and it's satellite countries pound each other with military might in the early morning hours; nations meet in a communist country for pure competition, and the top story on CNN....Senator John Edwards admits to having an affair. So What?

Im sure there are more pressing issues out there right now than where he's been putting his hoo-hoo.

Welcome to the glorious world of Journalism America Style. Oh yeah, the second most popular story on CNN today? Obama takes his family on vacation.

I may have to stay away from the news for a couple of days....


Abez said...

I gave up on the news a few years ago. After we moved out of the US and suddenly had access to sources *other* than Fox and CNN, suddenly American journalism was embarrassing and no one in their right mind would admit to watching it. You want the news? Try BBC World.