Thursday, May 15, 2008

Reality Check In Progress...Please Stand By

Another semester ends and it is once again time to take stock of my life. Good grief, what have I done? I let my blogging lapse in order to concentrate on my classes (not that anyone is out there waiting for my next post with angst) and after careful review I have come to the following conclusion: BLAH!

While my immediate family will tell you with much glee that I'm a much better person now that I'm not working in prisons, I respond with least I knew who/what I was then. I was a leader, a respected veteran and above all I was feared by those who had reason to do so. Quick actions and a piercing glare were my trademarks. Now I spend most of my time looking away from people, not from shame but from fear of being labeled a dirty old man. You see, it's hard for someone my age (thirty *cough, sputter* something) to go to college classes without being labeled as some kind of weirdo by at least one member of the opposite sex. I spend all day sitting in classes and walking the campus doing my best to avoid an "Oh My God, he just smiled at me" moment. It was a lot easier at the prison, at least I had a captive audience.

So there it is, bad punctuation and all. I've put off any hope of a relationship until graduation seeing how I'm old enough to be everyone's dad (well, crazy old uncle anyway).


Zee said...

Yeah, screwed either way, no? I'm in the same sort of boat. I'm turning 26 this year, which is pretty young by grownup standards, but when you're hanging out with undergrads and even most grads, that's a whole other generation. I've made some great friends out here, but can't even consider "being" with any of them cuz of the age gap. Sucks, but oh well. In a couple months I'll be back in the office, where it's gonna be a headtrip when I'm suddenly the youngest again. :)