Sunday, January 13, 2008

America's Pastime......the blame game.

This post is a few days late...and I apologize, but I do have other things to deal with in my life other than pointing out the idiocy that has become modern culture. I will try my best though :D

A few days ago I came across an article on CNN's website informing the world that a golf announcer had said something about Tiger Woods that could (note I used the word could) have been construed as containing racial overtones. She apologize and Tiger accepted...'nuff said, unless you happen to be a fat loudmouthed "preacher" named Al Sharpton.

Sharpton, in my opinion, thrives on the tension he creates by drawing attention to what I consider "light" incidents and turning them into public grandstand fiascoes. Pounding his chest and claiming to represent "the downtrodden" he is living proof that if you beat a dead horse long enough, it may eventually be nudged an inch. While he claims to be a peaceful and honorable man, he has been caught on record as speaking inflammatory comments about Jews, Mormons and anyone that is not black.....but this does not make him a racist bigot. Now I'm confused.

The moment someone speaks out against Sharpton, they are automatically labeled as a racist and portrayed in media political cartoons as a Klan loving skinhead. So....I guess racial pride is OK as long as it's disguised with the cover story of being support for a minority....but only as long as it's the correct minority.

I've thoroughly confused myself beyond the hope of rescue....and they NyQuil is kicking in.